
What is Dry Drowning?

Prevention of dry drowning

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. The best thing you can do is prevent drowning from happening in the first place. Dry drowning is a drowning that has gradually become one of the leading causes of death in young children. However, dry drowning can be prevented by doing your best to avoid any form of a water accident and the number one way to do this is to ensure one who does not know how to swim does not get in the swimming pool.

Safety rules you can abide by to prevent the case of dry drowning in children include:

    • Children below the age of 5 should not swim or bathe independently; they should be assisted.
    • Any child under the age of 4 should be supervised when in any body of water, even in a bathtub.
    • Passengers, no matter the age, should ensure they make use of a lifejacket while boating.
    • Try to make both yourself and your child learn how to swim by taking swimming lessons.
    • Consider taking an infant CPR class if you frequently supervise children either at the beach or pool.
    • Make sure to keep the pool gates always closed to ensure children do go to the pool unsupervised.
    • No matter the age, do not swim or play near the ocean without a lifeguard because of the possibility of an ocean wave scenario.