
Common Facts about Oriahnn

Side effect focus

These are some of the side effects, you should learn about:

Boxed warning

Oriahnn has a boxed warning about increasing the chances of blood clots and blood vessel problems. Boxed warnings are serious warnings from the food and drug administration (FDA). The drug’s boxed warning is explained below:

Blood clots and certain blood vessels

Using hormone therapy with estrogen and progestin may increase the risk of blood clots. Examples of blood clots that may happen are pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs) and deep vein thrombosis (a blood clot in some veins in the body).

Other blood vessel issues such as stroke and heart attack, may also occur after using oriahnn.

The chances of having these side effects are increased in some people. This includes women older than 35 years of age who smoke. It also includes women with health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure that is uncontrollable, high cholesterol, or obesity. Women that have had a blood clot or blood vessel problem in the past are also included.

Symptoms of a blood clot depend largely on where the clot is located. Some symptoms may include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling in the arm
  • Warmth in the arm or leg
  • Pain in your arm, leg, or chest

It is important to talk to your doctor about your health history and any medical condition you have. Always remember to tell your doctor if you smoke or if any family member has had a stroke, heart attack, or other blood vessel problems.

Doctors will let you know if your risk of having a serious side effect is increased or not. They will tell you if it is safe to take Oriahnn.

If you experience any symptoms of blood clots while you are using blood clots, call your doctor immediately.