
What is Knee Replacement Surgery?

Preparing for Knee Replacement Surgery

When a patient is diagnosed with any form of arthritis that requires surgery for treatment, a doctor would always advise them to stay away from certain medications, dietary supplements before surgery. People are always advised not to consume anything after midnight the day of surgery. Chocolate, mayonnaise, vegetables prepared in fat (butter, shortening, or cream), cold cuts, hot dogs, bacon, sausage, full-fat sour cream, and any high-fat pieces of bread should be avoided for individuals scheduled for knee replacement surgery. Individuals are advised to consume high-quality proteins (eggs, fish, nuts, and meat) to help repair worn-out tissues and complex carbohydrates. [5]

What Happens before the Surgery

Doctors make use of anesthesia during knee replacement. People react to specific anesthesia, so doctors always use input and preference to determine which one to use. The two popular kinds of anesthesia are general anesthesia [6] (which makes the patient unconscious) and spinal anesthesia [7] (patients will be awake, but no pain can be felt from the waist to the toes). Doctors give intravenous antibiotics before, during, and after the surgery to avoid any infections. Nerve blocks are given to kill the pain around the knee joint. After the surgery, the numbness leaves gradually.