
Symptoms of Early Amyloidosis

Extreme Fatigue

Intense tiredness is one of the early signs of amyloidosis. This could be directly due to the strain put on the heart by protein build-up there. It could also be due to a lack of enough blood reaching the muscles. The muscles require oxygen to function properly. The strain on oxygen circulation tends to cause weakness all over the body as the muscles are starved of energy. Even small movements and tasks can start to feel difficult.

Numbness and Tingling Feeling in the Hands and Feet

A tingling sensation or numbness in the extremities is often a symptom of pressure on the nerves. Amyloid collection in parts of the body that impose on the nerves can cause this. If amyloids collect in the nerves of your fingers, you may experience pain and develop a problem with your wrist called carpal tunnel syndrome [7].

Amyloid deposits building up in the nerves of your feet can cause numbness, tingling or a burning sensation in your toes and sole.