
Lou Gehrig’s disease(ALS) Symptoms

Muscle Twitching (Fasciculations)

The first and most unpleasant signs of ALS are often the twitching movements of muscles under the skin (fasciculation). They are localized in muscles in some individuals, but they can propagate over time. To alleviate these symptoms with medicine, you should contact your doctor. The twitching may go away on its own with time in many cases.

Muscle Cramps and Spasms

This often happens due to the deterioration of the signal transmission from motor neurons. The occurrence of muscle tension or spasm is caused by this degradation. [3] This contributes to decreased motor function and movement control as well as an increased risk of falling while walking. Sudden spasms in the muscles can be particularly painful.

As a rule, it is enough to shift the body’s location when relaxing in a bed or chair to alleviate this symptom. Exercise constitutes part of the issue. Moreover, drugs should be recommended by your doctor to calm.