
Aneurysm – Types, Symptoms & Causes

Peripheral aneurysm

Peripheral aneurysms occur along the peripheral arteries. There are several types of peripheral aneurysms, but they are less likely to rupture than aortic and cerebral aneurysms. The types include [12]:

  • Popliteal aneurysm: This is a bulge in the artery behind the knee. It accounts for most cases of peripheral aneurysms.
  • Carotid artery aneurysm: The carotid artery branches off the aorta and typically develops this bulge in the neck.
  • Mesenteric artery aneurysm: This affects the arteries that supply blood to the intestines.
  • Visceral aneurysm: This affects arteries supplying blood to the bowels or kidneys.
  • Splenic artery aneurysm: This affects the artery near the spleen.
  • Femoral artery aneurysm: It affects the femoral artery.