
10 Causes of Coronary Artery Disease

What to Know about Coronary Artery Disease

Heart diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world. Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease. It occurs when certain substances, such as plaque accumulate in blood vessels in the heart, and reduce blood flow to the heart. Studies show that people with coronary artery disease are more likely to develop a heart attack.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) blocks the vessels and impairs blood flow in the arteries that send blood to the heart. It is also known as coronary heart disease (CHD), and is the most common type of heart disease. Studies show that CAD affects about 16.5 million Americans older than 20. It is the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States. Research shows that someone in the United States dies of a heart attack every 36 seconds. A heart attack commonly occurs due to uncontrolled CAD.

In this article we will discuss 10 causes of coronary artery disease and some other important things to note about the condition.