
Pain in the Lower Left Back: Causes and Treatments

Muscle Strain or Sprain

The most common cause of low back pain is muscle strain or sprain. A strain is a tear or stretching in a tendon or muscle, while a sprain is a tear or stretching a ligament.

Sprains and strains usually happen when there you twist or lift something improperly, carry something heavy, or overstretch your back muscles.

These injuries can cause swelling, difficulty moving and back spasm.


Osteoarthritis [2] is a condition that occurs when the cartilage between your vertebrae begins to deteriorate. Walking-related stress causes osteoarthritis to commonly occur in the lower back.

Normal wear and tear is typically the cause of osteoarthritis, however prior back injuries can increase the risk of developing it.

The most typical signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis are pain and stiffness. It could hurt notably to bend or twist your back.