
Toenail Growth – How Long It Takes for a Toenail to Grow Back

Toenail growth after fungus

Toenails can be infected by fungi because they thrive in warm, wet environments. Shoes and socks offer the perfect situations for fungus to thrive.

The fungus from the toenail can be transferred from one person to another. It can be transferred to your nails after going to a nail salon or if you walk barefoot in a locker room or hostel.

Fungus in toenails can manifest in the following ways; dark or yellow discoloration, brittleness, and thickening of nails. Over-the-counter (0TC) and prescription medications can treat nail fungus, but it will take close to 12 or 18 months for the fungus to grow out. Symptoms of a toenail infection include;

  1. Discoloration under the nail, mostly brown, white or yellow.
  2. An increase in white debris under the nail which is keratin (the protein that gives shape to skin or nails)
  3. Oozing
  4. Alteration in shape (loosening or separation of the infected part of the nail from the nail bed)
  5. Thickening of nails
  6. Pain

Toenail fungi are caused by the same type that causes an athlete’s foot. People who are susceptible to toenail fungal infections.

Toenail fungi can affect anyone, but it is more common in elderly people. People with some diseases, such as diabetes and conditions that affect limb circulation are more prone to fungal nail infections.

People who have suppressed immune systems are also susceptible to fungi in the toenail. Other conditions that cause toenail fungus are; hyperhidrosis (tendency to have sweaty feet), trauma to the nail, wearing shoes that provide a moist, dark, and warm environment for fungi to survive, and frequent fungal skin infection.[2]

Toenail fungus can be treated by debridement or cutting down and removing debris and dead nail. Oral antifungal medications are also prescribed. However, oral antifungal medications are not always the best option because they have side effects that can exacerbate the condition.