
Toenail Growth – How Long It Takes for a Toenail to Grow Back

How long does it take for a toenail to grow back?

Fingernails and toenails grow slowly, but toenails take longer before they grow. It can take over 18 months for a toenail to grow back after trauma and 4 or 6 months for a fingernail to grow back.

The factors that make fingernails grow faster are not known. But experts suggest that fingers receive more blood flow because they are used frequently than toenails.

While it takes months for nails to grow back, the rate of regrowth can be faster or slower depending on the situation. For example:

  1. After fungus, it takes 12 months to 18 months to regrow a toenail or fingernail
  2. After trauma, it takes 6 months to 2 years for a toenail or fingernail to grow
  3. After surgical removal, it takes over 18 months to regrow both fingernails or grow nails
  4. After psoriasis, it takes about 6 months or longer for toenails or fingernails to regrow.