
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) – Mini Stroke Warning Signs

Dizziness, Imbalance, and Limb Weakness

Imbalances can occur due to decreased strength in the legs or changes in motor coordination. There are cases where a stroke can cause dizziness, making the person unable to walk.

Limb weakness can affect arms, legs or an arm and sometimes a leg on just on only one side of the body (as discussed above). [5] Loss of motor strength can range from very mild weakness to total paralysis. It usually appears quickly, however, it can start only with tingling and mild weakness, progressing to a frank loss of strength after a few hours. Most times, this dizziness disappears after few hours in TIA.

Mental Confusion

The patient may feel disoriented and appear lost in time and space. These changes are more common in small strokes in the elderly. After some times, they may regain their full memory or not. If not treated on time, multiple small strokes can lead to dementia.