
7 Treatment Options for Cellulitis

Clean Your Wound

You need to clean the surface of your wound [4] when treating cellulitis. This prevents germs from contaminating the wound. If your wound gets contaminated, it can delay the healing process or cause the sore to get bigger. You should follow your doctor’s instructions for dressing your wound. If you are unable to do this yourself, you may get it done at a clinic.

Cleaning your wound alone is not enough to treat cellulitis. It simply aids the recovery process. You must do this while also taking antibiotic medications to make sure the bacteria causing the infection is gone.

Keep the Wound Covered

You should cover any sores [5] you develop when you have cellulitis. This will help the wound heal faster and prevent irritation of the skin. Covering it also helps put a barrier between the wound and other bacteria or germs that may cause it to fester. You may get the wound dressed at a walk-in clinic or do it at home yourself. When covering your wound yourself, use a sterile bandage after dressing the wound. Make sure you adhere to your doctor’s instructions so nothing contaminates the wound in the process when covering it.