
7 Treatment Options for Cellulitis

Use A Cold Compress

The infected area is usually warm to the touch due to inflammation. Applying a cold compress [6] can help reduce this inflammation and help your swelling come down faster. Soak a clean washcloth in cool water and apply it to the swollen area. Hold it in place for a few minutes. You may do this multiple times a day until the swelling subsides.

Do not apply ice directly to the skin because it can irritate the skin and further damage it. You should avoid chemical ice packs for the same reason.

Elevate the Affected Area

Most people get cellulitis on their legs. The affected area is usually swollen and painful. You can improve your condition by elevating your leg as often as you can. When lying down, you may choose to rest your leg on a surface above your heart or against the wall. What is important is that your leg is elevated above your heart [7]. This can help ease the pain and reduce swelling.