
Possible Signs And Symptoms of Cellulitis

Pain and Tenderness

Cellulitis causes inflammation of the soft tissues beneath the skin. The inflammation can be very painful. When you have cellulitis, you will feel pain on and around the red parts of your skin. This pain may come and go. It may feel like a dull throbbing ache, or it can be more intense. Sometimes, the pain may be sudden and sharp. The skin may also feel tender and painful when you touch it. According to Cleveland Clinic, the intensity of the pain may depend on the severity [5] of the infection.


Your skin may feel warm to the touch when you have cellulitis. Most times you have to touch the skin [6] to know it is warm, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

The heat may affect the general area of the infected skin or concentrate on the parts of the skin that are swollen or blistered. The warmth you will feel when you touch these parts of the skin is similar to how it feels to touch skin that has heated up due to trauma or injury.