
Ulcerative Colitis Food Plans: Best and Worst Foods

What You Can Eat

To help deflate the intestine, improve the intestinal flora and prevent new attacks, it is advisable to eat several times throughout the day, in small portions, chew the food very well, eat in a calm place and cook food in a simple way (without too many condiments) to steam, avoiding frying and sauces.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest a single diet or specific foods prevent or cure colitis; however, some recommendations that can be followed include:

Lean meats and fish

Eating protein is very important for those who suffer from this disease since it is common for the person to lose some muscle mass due to the malabsorption of nutrients. Thus, during a colitis attack, it is important to increase the amount of protein ingested, and it is recommended to ingest 1.2 to 1.5 g for each kilogram of weight.

The proteins to be consumed must be low in fat and, therefore, the ideal is to bet on fish, eggs, chicken, and turkey without skin. In the case of red meats, leaner cuts should be preferred, which do not contain visible fat but should only be consumed 1 to 2 times a week.