
What Are The Treatments for COPD?

Lung Therapies

Lung therapy is another method of treating COPD, whether the disease is moderate or severe. Lung therapy could occur in majorly two ways such as oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is a very effective way to treat COPD. COPD could result from insufficient oxygen in the blood, which would mean you need supplemental oxygen. Various lightweight and portable unit devices can be prescribed to you to help deliver oxygen to the lungs. Some COPD conditions could cause one to only use oxygen while sleeping or during activities, while others use oxygen all the time. The therapy has proven to improve the quality of life that would help extends one’s life.

Pulmonary rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a type of therapy that a doctor can prescribe to treat COPD. Pulmonary rehabilitation is usually in the form of a program that entails the combination of exercise training, counseling, and nutrition advice. Different specialists come together to plan your rehabilitation program to be effective and meet all your needs.