
Is Type 2 Diabetes Genetic?

What genes are responsible for type 2 diabetes

A study on twins showed that type 2 diabetes might be connected to genetics. These studies were complicated by the environmental factors that also contributes to type 2 diabetes risk.

Numerous mutations are still currently proven to contribute to the risks of type 2 diabetes. The contribution if each gene is generally small. However, each additional mutation you have only Increases your risks.

Generally, any form of gene mutation that involves controlling glucose levels can increase yt risk for type 2 diabetes. These includes genes that control:

  • Glucose production
  • Insulin production and regulations
  • How gluct levels are sensed in the body

Examples of genes that are associated with risks of type 2 diabetes includy:

  • TCF7L2, which affects glucose production and insulin secretion
  • ABCC8, which helps in regulating insulin
  • CAPN10, which is proven to be associated with type 2 diabetes risk among Mexican Americans
  • GLUT2, which helps move glucose into the pancreas
  • GCGR, a glucagon harmine involved in regulating glucose