
10 Common Signs of Ear Infection (Otitis media)

High fever (about 38°C)

High-grade fever (38°C) is characteristic of ear infections. In some cases, fever can even exceed 38°C. Fever refers to an elevation of core body temperature. It is usually seen during an infectious process going on in the body. In the case of an ear infection, this infection is caused by microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Fever is usually accompanied by rigors, weakness of the body, and sweating. When a high-grade fever is present in an infant, prompt attention should be given to them.


It is common to see patients complaining of headaches when they have ear infections. This headache can be accompanied by neck stiffness, confusion, dizziness, and discomfort. In some ear infections, the causative organism can spread from the middle ear to the brain. In this case, a headache is mostly inevitable.