
Atopic Dermatitis(Eczema) Symptoms

Adult Phase (8 Years and Older)

The lesions are similar to those of the pre-pubertal phase, but are more lichenified, mainly in flexural regions and in the hands. [5] Red plaques with blurry edges appear on the skin.

The face is frequently affected, with eczema on the eyelids and the presence of cheilitis, as well as the buttocks region.

There is the presence of severely dry skin and many itchy cracks. Most often, the disease is localized on the flexion surfaces of the arms and legs, wrists, dorsum of the feet and palms (i.e. cubital and popliteal fossa).

Localized nipple injuries can occur in young women and adolescents, and are an important characteristic for diagnosis. Patients with erythroderma or generalized lesions are not uncommon at this stage.