Atopic dermatitis [1] (often referred to as eczema) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a complex pathogenesis involving genetic predisposition, dysfunction of the immunological and epidermal barrier, and environmental factors. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is one of the lifelong episodic diseases. It is alternated by periods of rest (remission) and flare-up (exacerbation) with a strong incidence of eczema. Only in exceptional cases is the course of the disease continuous.
Atopic dermatitis results from a reduction in the resistance of the lipid skin barrier, which reduces the hydration of the skin and thus increases its dryness. The skin becomes less resistant to triggers such as irritants and allergens, which further exacerbate atopic eczema.It can be small or large patches (flare-ups) on any area of the body, but usually starts on the face in infants and is often found in skin creases like the back of the knees and inside of the elbows.
The causes and triggers of Eczema are different for everyone. Genetic factors, skin barrier defect, the immune response, environmental influences, and infectious agents are involved in the development of atopic eczema. Atopic eczema is exacerbated by, for example, allergens, microbes, irritants, hormonal and climatic factors, or even mental stress. This signifies that everyday things can cause the aggravation and development of Eczema. Since pinpointing the exact cause of Eczema can be hard, triggers can be sectioned accordingly below:
Year-Round/Indoor Allergies
Year-round allergies [2], also called perpetual allergies or indoor allergies, are the product of coming in direct touch, regardless of the season, with something to which you are allergic. You may believe that your place or your home is where you can escape to and recover if you develop an endless cold that causes you to sniff and sneeze constantly. But the irony is that the trigger can be in your home. It is possible that allergic reactions to indoor allergens are seasonal in nature due to the fact that the amount of allergen can vary based on external environmental conditions like humidity and temperature.