
Atopic Dermatitis(Eczema) Symptoms

Hyperlinearity of the Palms

The lines on the palm become more obvious and their patterns are strengthened. This is referred to as the hyperlinearity of the palms and is triggered by atopic dermatitis. [8]


Features of the appearance of rashes and their localization are already commonly known. [9] Babies usually present with papules, microvesicles, and erythema localized to the facial skin and bends of the limbs.

Older children are prone to papules, lichenification (the skin becomes denser, the pattern increases in places of irritation). A frequent site of localization of inflammation is the flexor surfaces of the limbs.

Hertoghe’s Sign

Hertoghe sign is a relatively rare syndrome that is characterized by the thinning or complete loss of one-third of the lateral eyebrows. [10] It can also be a lack or absence of hair from the outer part of the eyebrows.