
10 Remedies for Ingrown Toenails

Use Toe Braces or Protectors

If you’re prone to developing ingrown toenails, you can use toe protectors or braces to help remedy your situation. Toe braces are made of thin, adhesive material that you can glue to the top of your toe. These are meant to prevent sharp, ingrown toenails from piercing your skin. As your nails grow, your toe braces will lift the nail edges so they don’t enter your skin.

Toe protectors [4] provide a cushioning barrier that prevents ingrown toenails from rubbing against the insides of your shoe and getting worse. They are available as rings that go around the infected area or cover the entire toe. Some types of toe protectors come with medicated gel that can soften the toenails to make trimming easy.

Toe braces and toe protectors can be bought from pharmacies or online stores.