
Home Treatments & Remedies for Gout Pain

Salt Baths for Gout, Elevating Joins & Massage

In 2 liters of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of coarse-crystalline Epsom salt [4] without fragrances and dyes. Then immerse your feet ankle-deep and hold for about 20-30 minutes. Rinse your feet or affected part with water, wipe dry, and apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream. To increase the therapeutic effect of this treatment, sea salt is not dissolved in water but dissolved instead in a chamomile infusion [5].

Selling ad pain can be caused by gout, particularly in the knees, hands, ankles, and feet. One way to minimize swelling is by elevating the joints [6] affected by gout. This allows blood and fluid to travel toward the heart and away from the joint. To reduce symptoms of gout, a person may also use an ice-pack as well as joint elevation.

Therapeutic exercises and massage are used to prevent exacerbations of chronic gout. During the period of exacerbation and with pain syndrome, massage cannot be performed. In the treatment of gout of the feet, classical, acupressure, vacuum massage is used. At home, treatment procedures are best carried out after salt baths when applying the cream. Kneading, vibrating movements, rubbing, and stroking are used.  This helps to improve blood circulation, accelerate the elimination of tissue decay products from the joints, and cleanse the joints from uric acid salts.