
Home Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Aloe Vera and witch hazel

Aloe Vera has been used over the years for the treatment of several skin conditions, including hemorrhoids. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing irritation. Although the aloe Vera gel can be found as an ingredient in other skin products, it is advisable to use just pure aloe vera gel in the treatment of hemorrhoids. However, some individuals are allergic to aloe Vera, especially those allergic to onions or garlic. To check for a reaction, rub a dime-sized amount of aloe Vera on your forearm. If after 24 to 48 hours, there is no reaction, then it should be safe for you to use

Witch hazel also helps in reducing itching and pain. It is an anti-inflammatory that is natural so this makes it able to similarly reduce swelling. Witch hazel can be bought in its liquid form and applied to the hemorrhoids directly. It can also be found in certain products like soaps and anti-itch wipes.