
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones


Kidney stones often build up as a result of dehydration. The minerals concentrate in the urine and bind to each other. Water is critical for keeping the body hydrated. Drinking water helps dilute urine and flushes minerals and salts out of your kidneys before they form crystals. Water’s characteristic as a solvent makes it great for dissolving mineral sediments and preventing the build-up of stones in the kidney.

When treating kidney stones, it is advisable to consume more water than you normally would when treating the condition. Three quarts a day is a good place to start, according to Cornell urologist Kiersten Craig, MD [3].

One way to always gauge your hydration level is by observing the color of your urine. Ideally, your urine should be near colorless or a very light yellow. The darker your urine appears, the less hydrated you probably are.