
Fatty Liver Food Tips – Beneficial Foods and Harmful Foods


The liver is a large organ, the largest inside the human body. It performs several functions as a vital organ: removal of toxins, production of plasma proteins, secreting digestive fluids (such as bile) and destroying old red blood cells, amongst many other functions. It is a no-brainer to mention that only a healthy liver can function at its optimum. The liver is prone to infection, being a central point for interaction of the majority of systemic functions — excretion, digestive, circulation, and what have you. One of the major diseases that affect the liver is fatty liver disease. This condition arises from the accumulation of fat in the liver and consequent impairment of liver function.

Fatty liver disease is classified into two types, namely: alcohol-related and non-alcohol-related. The former results from excessive alcohol consumption, while the latter results from other sources (especially obese people and sedentary workers). Fatty liver disease affects about 30 percent of American adults, a significant player in causing liver failure.

Treatment of fatty liver disease is directed at reducing harmful fat levels and helping to lose weight. This is usually achieved via diet and exercise. Fatty liver diet embraces foods low in calories and fat, as well as fruit and vegetables. Foods such as high fat, bad cholesterol, or alcohol are canceled out of the grocery list. Let’s take a critical look at some of them.