
Hepatitis C Screening: What to know

HCV Antibody Test

If you have had hepatitis C in the past, and you probably didn’t know, you’ll have antibodies to the virus in your blood. The HCV antibody test looks for antibodies. The test will give you one of these two results:

  • Non-Reactive: It also implies negative. If you get this result then you don’t have hepatitis C. If you are not convinced or you know you’ve been exposed to the virus, your doctor will ask you to come back after some months for a retest.
  • Reactive: It also implies positive, if you get this result then you have gotten hepatitis C at some point in your life or during gestation. If you are tested positive, your doctor will need to conduct more tests to confirm whether it’s an active infection or not. On its own, this test doesn’t indicate if you currently have hepatitis C.