
Common Symptoms of Oral Thrush

When the Akin at the Corners of the Mouth is Dried and Cracked

This is also known as angular cheilitis or angular stomatitis and perleche [6]. It causes the corners of the mouth to be swollen, dried and cracked. It can affect just one side of the mouth or both sides. This condition can last for a couple of days or a longer period of time depending on how well it is treated. Asides from being cracked or dried up, the corners of the mouth may also be:

  • Bleeding
  • Itchy
  • Blistered
  • Scaly
  • Painful
  • Red
  • Crusty

All or some of these features on the mouth could mean an oral thrush diagnosis. However, go to a doctor to confirm this.

A Bad Taste in the Mouth

Occasionally, everyone has a bad taste in the mouth, and in normal cases, it goes away after brushing or rinsing the mouth. However, in the case of an Oral thrush, it may not be that simple. If the taste in your mouth remains consistently bitter, metallic or foul, it may be a sign of oral thrush.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms include yellow or white bump patches in the mouth on the tongue, gums, tonsils, lips and inner cheeks. In the case of the tongue, there may be certain changes in taste, color and texture. The tonsils may also be discolored, feel very scratchy and make it difficult to swallow too. The gums and lips may get very sore and even bleed slightly. All these are physical symptoms of oral thrush.