
Common Symptoms of Oral Thrush


Difficulty Swallowing

When a person finds it hard to swallow, it simply means that person is unable to swallow anything solid or liquid, with ease. Another name for this condition is dysphagia [4]. Some symptoms include dysphagia include:

  • Pain when swallowing.
  • Choking or coughing when swallowing.
  • Regurgitation.
  • Drooling.
  • Feeling like something is stuck in the throat.
  • A hoarse voice.

An Impaired Taste

An impaired taste is simply a loss of taste and this means that there is a problem with the functioning of your taste sense. This can mean you can’t taste anything at all or your sense of taste is altered, an example of this is having a metallic taste in the mouth (parageusia) [5]. Oral thrush can affect the taste in the mouth and can cause a total loss of taste.