
Titanium Dental Implants – What You Need to Know

What is a titanium dental implant?

A titanium dental implant is done to replace missing or damaged teeth. They are best recommended for a candidate who is in overall good health. These are considered the most common type of implant, as they have been in use since the 1960s. They stand out for their durability and functionality.

Instances, when titanium implants are recommended, include:

  • If you have an infection
  • If you have tooth decay [1]
  • If you have the periodontal disease [2]
  • If your teeth got damaged from an accident
  • As alternatives to dentures.

Unlike dental crowns that are placed on top of an existing tooth, dental implants are surgically fixed into your jawbone to completely replace a tooth. If your tooth is only damaged, your dentist will have to remove it first before putting a dental implant. However, your dentist will most likely place a crown on top of the titanium implant.

A titanium dental implant is designed to be permanent. Although, you may choose to replace them after several years.