
What Is The Difference between Gingivitis and Periodontitis?


Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease, so it must be treated properly. Just like gingivitis, the main aim of treatment is to minimize inflammation. This disease can be treated through:

  • Oral hygiene: Only you can take perfect care of yourself. Maintaining oral hygiene can reduce the progression of periodontitis and stop teeth loss.
  • Professional dental cleaning: You can visit a dentist to perform a deep cleaning. The plaques and tartars are removed from the teeth and beneath the gumline. This helps the gums reattach to the teeth.
  • Antibiotics: When the condition gets serious, you dentist might recommend oral antibiotics or use a topical antibiotic.
  • Open surgery: Your dentist dissects the inflamed gums and cleans the root of the teeth. Then, they join the gum tissue together, so it can reattach to the teeth.