
9 Common Treatments for Pinched Nerve

Application of Heat

You can utilize warmth to loosen up the muscles and tendons that may be tensed around a pinched nerve. Warmth also increases blood stream, which can assist the recuperating process. You can discover heating pads [6] in many sizes at a pharmacy.

Hold heat straightforwardly onto the pinched nerve for 10–15 minutes all at once. Be careful to make sure that the heating pads are not too hot, so as to avoid further injury to the skin. In the absence of a heating pad, you can substitute with a towel or cloth, dipped it in hot water, and after squeezing the water out, place it on the affected area. Similarly hot objects can be used to, like a hot water bottle.

Ice Therapy

Ice decreases inflammation and swelling. Fold a towel over an ice pack and hold it straightforwardly onto the pinched nerve for about 10–15 minutes. You can also substitute with a bag of anything very cold from your fridge. Make sure to remove the pack after sometime.

Raise Your Legs

When your lower back experiences the occurrence of a pinched nerve, have a go at hoisting your legs with a 90-degree twist in both your knees and hips. You can place them on a table or a stack of pillows.