
Polymyalgia Rheumatica Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Healthy Fats

Not all fats are good for the body. Trans-fats, for example, should be removed from your diet. Not all fats are bad either. Fats are essential nutrients your body needs to function well. These kinds of fats are known as healthy fats. Omega-3 is one of them.

Omega-3 fatty acid has anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory diseases like polymyalgia rheumatica. Studies on the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 have supported this claim. Fish oil, which is a good source of omega-3, has been shown [3] to have anti-inflammatory effects in people with asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

If you plan to have more omega-3 in your diet, consider consuming more eggs, fish oils from cod liver or salmons, walnuts, sardines, flaxseeds, and mackerel. These foods are particularly high in omega-3.