
Symptoms and Causes of Deviated Septum


If you have nosebleeds frequently, a deviated septum might be a possible cause. Delicate and moist tissue mucosa covers the surface of the nose. This part contains a rich network of blood vessels on the surface. When your nasal septum is deviated, the membranes in the normal part of the nose can be more exposed to the air. As a result, it would dry out the membranes and cause a lack of moisture, which makes your nose more prone to nosebleeds. This problem is not serious in most cases. A little patience and local pressure would help stop bleeding. [4]

Unusual Nasal Cycle

When we breathe, one of the nostrils will be blocked, while the other will be opened, and then it switches. This breathing process is known as the nasal cycle. Most of us do not actually notice this cycle. However, when you find out something abnormal about it, this can be a cause for worry. A deviated septum would lead to nasal obstruction. This leads to some common health issues, such as headaches or nasal congestion. [5]