
Gastroparesis Food Tips and Stages

Avoid Lying After Meals & Take Supplements Daily

Eating while lying down [6] can delay gastric emptying. In fact, you need to wait up to three hours after eating if you want to lie down so the food can be digested. Difficulty emptying the stomach while lying down is caused by the influence of gravity. Lying on or after eating causes reflux (increase) of stomach acid in the mouth. This condition will further aggravate people with gastroparesis to empty their stomachs after eating. Walking after meals can help stimulate your abdominal muscles.

Most people with gastroparesis are at high risk of nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, some people with gastroparesis are advised to take a daily multivitamin [7] and multimineral supplement to prevent nutritional deficiencies or maintain a state of nutritional deficiency. Malnutrition is a possible complication of gastroparesis, so some people need to take a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement to avoid it.