
Gastroparesis – Symptoms, Complications & Diagnosis

Other Signs of Gastroparesis

Many people with gastroparesis do not have any noticeable signs or symptoms. Some of these symptoms are explained in details below;

Post pandrial fullness: The feeling of fullness [8] (early satiety) usually comes immediately after consuming a small amount of food, or can be excessive fullness when a normal course meal is consumed (postprandial fullness) or have no relation to meals. This is usually seen in severe cases of gastroparesis. In severe cases, postprandial fullness, early satiety, and even weight loss may occur.

Vomiting of old and undigested food: Due to the fact that gastroparesis causes the blockage of the pathway to the intestine, foods that get stuck in the stomach may be vomited again [9] after several days have passed. Oftentimes, this episode of vomiting is preceded by a constant feeling of prolonged nausea. Nausea can be a result of the fullness in the stomach. When the content of the stomach is too full, an individual usually feels nauseous to prevent the extra consumption of food.

Loss of appetite: An individual that has gastroparesis will often need to eat as the hunger reflex is not triggered. The presence of food in the stomach/intestine prevents the body from releasing hormones that communicate with the nervous system to trigger hunger, Despite the fact that the foods that are consumed are not absorbed properly due to indigestion, the individual still losses the appetite to eat food.

Set of symptoms: The main symptoms of gastroparesis appear together, not as separate symptoms – for example, pain appears with heartburn and early satiety; heartburn occurs with early satiety, bloating, nausea, and vomiting;