
Geriatric Massage Therapy – What To Know

Considerations for geriatric massage

To make sure an elderly client’s massage is both safe and useful, a massage therapist will take into account a number of issues.

General state of health & Health issues

When giving a geriatric massage, a massage therapist will first take into account your general health. This can entail watching how you walk and questioning you about your health and exercise level.

Remember that as we age, several bodily systems undergo alterations. Your muscles and bones may be more brittle, your joints may function differently, and your body may be more vulnerable.

Prior to your massage, it’s critical to disclose to your massage therapist any potential medical issues you may have. These may include long-term illnesses like arthritis, cancer, circulation problems, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, or cardiac problems.

This is crucial if you’re fighting for a family member who has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Prior to giving the massage, the massage therapist should be aware of all medical issues.