
Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Poop


Some body changes arise due to constipation [3], most of these changes or pain occur because of the straining of the delivery area:

  • Fecal impaction [4]: This occurs when the rectum is too full and doesn’t allow for an easy bowel movement therefore the bowel is not able to push the poop out.
  • Rectal prolapse [5]: This occurs when the rectal is continually being strained and then causes the rectal lining to come out of the anus.
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence: This is the involuntary passing out of urine or feces due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles which occurs from straining of the bowel.
  • Hemorrhoids: The blood vessels in the rectal area may become damaged due to too much strain while trying to poop.

There are also some other symptoms that when noticed, the patient should call the attention of the doctor to it immediately, such as:

  • Changes in the color of the stool or poop.
  • High temperature above the normal 100.4F can also be a sign of infection in the uterus, urinary tract or any perineal tears from cesarean section.
  • Having about 4-6 bowel movements in a day.
  • Uniformed and loose poop.
  • Blood in the poop or stool.