
Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Poop


  • Regulate your diet: During pregnancy, it is not necessary to follow a strict diet during pregnancy, but a well-balanced diet helps the body. Avoid greasy, oily, or fatty foods, and make sure to take more vegetables, fruits, and foods containing fiber like whole grains. Examples of those foods include melon, nuts, peas, apples, oatmeal, lentils, raspberries, avocado, and bran cereals.
  • Body Movements: Body exercise helps to make the body system at ease. If you had a vaginal delivery, try to take little walks around the house, dance, or do little chores. This helps the body adjust fast although it is not advised for anyone that went through a cesarean section.
  • Take a lot of water: The gut needs water to bulk the poop up and soften it for it to come out at once. Due to the body trying to produce milk and also breastfeeding at the same time. The body becomes dehydrated and this contributes to constipation.

It is advised to drink 75-95 ounces of water daily.

  • Stool softeners: This helps to soften the poop. This reduces the risk of pushing too hard or straining while trying to poop because too much straining or pressure can be a problem for surgical areas and stitches. It is very important to talk to the doctor before going ahead to take these medications to know the ones that won’t affect you or the baby. Colace is a known brand and it is the most recommended by professionals. Some other drugs include glycerin suppositories, laxatives, and mineral oil.
  • Good positioning: the best position to poop is squatting. It is good for pelvic floor relaxation and lengthening. When it is time to poop, make sure to use something high enough like a footstool, to assume a good position and allow the rectum to open up faster.
  • Don’t ignore the signs: As much as you fear the pain from the vaginal area becoming worse, try not to ignore the signs when you feel uncomfortable in the bowel area.
  • Reduce medications: After delivery, speak with your doctor to reduce any medications or supplements that were being used during pregnancy and are not so necessary after childbirth.