
Is It Safe To Sit-Ups Or Crunches While Pregnant?

Advantages of Doing Sit-ups or Crunches during the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Normally, it is generally advisable not to engage in sit-ups and crunches during pregnancy, but they can be done during the first trimester of pregnancy. You should avoid these exercises during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Sit-ups or crunches are only helpful during the first trimester of pregnancy. They help to strengthen your abdominal muscles especially the rectus abdominis [4]. Some of the advantages of having a stronger abs during pregnancy may include:

  • It gives you a good posture.
  • It helps to strengthen the back muscles.
  • It decreases the pain in the lower part of the back.
  • After delivery, it helps the abdomen regain its shape.
  • It strengthens and stabilizes your pelvic muscles.