
10 Amazing Halasana (Plow Pose) Benefits and How to Do It

The Steps of the Plow Pose

The steps of a plow pose are simple and easy to do. They include:

  • Lie on your back and place your arms on the floor. Breathe in and raise your leg by 90 degrees.
  • Gently place your legs at the back of your head while breathing out.
  • Your elbows and shoulders should be placed close to each other.
  • Stay in that position for at least 20 minutes.
  • Breathe out and slowly go back to the first pose. Optional variations:

You must stretch your arms overhead and hold your feet, ankles or calves.

To do the side plow pose (Parsva Halasana), put your hands on your back for support. Move your feet to the right, and pause for at least a minute. Move your feet back to the left, and pause for a while. Move your feet back to the middle.

To do the ear pressure pose (Karnapidasana), move your knees close to the floor and keep them beside your ears. Move your feet outside to come into Supta.