
How Many Calories Will I Burn Sitting vs Standing?

What Are the Benefits of Standing and What Happens When You Stand for a Long Time?

According to experts, standing has many potential health benefits. Asides burning calories, standing can make you less susceptible to Cancer [2], Diabetes [3], Stroke [4] and Heart attack [5].

Standing also reduces the risks of having lordosis [6], a condition that occurs when the spine curves inward. It is normal to have a certain level of curvature, but abnormal curvatures can put excess pressure on your spine.

Standing also helps build your muscle tone. Certain muscles stay contracted to keep you upright. Regular contraction of these muscles build the tone and strength.

Standing is an activity that helps improve the function of different systems in the body. However, standing for a long period can negatively affect your system.

A 2017 research was done on 20 adults who just finished 2 hours of lab-based standing computer work. The researchers discovered that after 2 hours, the participants started feeling discomfort in their body, their lower limbs started swelling and their mental state was compromised. The researchers also discovered that the participants were more creative while standing.