
Yoga for Beginners: Poses, Sequences and Tips

Uttithita Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose)

This pose is useful for the muscles of the front body. Here are the steps to follow for performing this pose:

  1. From the forward fold, place hands flat on the ground, turning the knees as much as possible. Continue the pose by stepping back a leg until the body is high in a Plank Pose.
  2. Press into the palm, and keep the legs parallel and in motion, pull the abdomen towards the spine.
  3. Inhale and exhale deeply and work on your arms and core

Dropping too much and getting the “banana back” or having to hunch the shoulders is easy. Thus, it’s advisable to get someone to inspect the shape formed on the side when the pose is taken. If done appropriately, the upper body from the hands on the floor up to the hips should look relatively straight, permitting curves resulting from natural spine curves.