
11 Foods that Are Easy to Digest


Bananas have carbohydrates, potassium, fibers and several vitamins and minerals. It is easily digested by most people. Bananas are also good source of fluid, which is vital for people with constipation or diarrhea. [4]

An average banana weighing 118g contains:

  • 29 g of protein
  • 7 g of fiber
  • 27 g of carbohydrate and 14.4 gram of sugar
  • 422 mg of potassium
  • 4 g of water
  • 105 calories
  • 9 mg of magnesium [5]
  • 9 mg of calcium

The riper the banana, the greater its tendency to turn carbohydrate to sugar. Doctors always advise people with diabetes to be careful with how much they consume banana, because of the high level of carbohydrates and sugar in them.

Bananas are high FODMAP fruit. The FODMAP classifies diet according to its effects on people with IBS. High FODMAP fruits can be difficult for people with IBS to digest than low FODMAP fruits. Examples of low FODMAP fruits include strawberries and grapes.

People with IBS are advised to avoid bananas, because it can cause bloating, cramping and other symptoms.