
Alkaline Foods List: Common Foods To Know


Raisins may taste acidic to individuals, but it’s an ideal fruit for maintaining an adequate pH balance. They are high in antioxidants and contain nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Apart from the health benefits of raisins in maintaining a good pH balance, they are great at lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Raisins also contain a significant level of fiber. One-half cup of raisins will provide 3.3 grams [3] of fiber. Consuming foods that contain fiber helps digestion by increasing the weight and size of the stool and softening it. The fiber in raisins helps keep individuals full longer, which may help in weight loss.

According to a study [4], it was discovered that raisins contain phytochemicals that could help in promoting healthy teeth and gums. These chemicals, including linoleic acid, oleanolic acid, and linolenic acid, help in fighting bacteria in the mouth that could result in cavities.