
How to Remove a Tick Head from a Dog or Cat

Unsafe Methods

Asides from tweezers and needles, the other methods involved in the removal of a tick’s head are usually unsafe and more likely to cause bacterial infections. For example, scraping with a credit card may lead to bacteria infections at the site of your tick bite. Therefore, it is important to use only sterilized first aid materials, such as needles and tweezers to protect your body from infection. Avoid twisting or jerking the tick’s head that’s beneath your pet’s skin.

Using the right equipment, you can remove a tick’s head from your dog or cat. Although it is usually trickier and more difficult due to the thick hair or fur. Your pet must be lying down and calm. Having a treat on your hand or getting someone to help you keep your pet calm can make the process easier. Ensure you clean the area of the tick bite with alcohol [2]. You can use a sterilized tweezer to gently remove the tick’s head. If the tweezer does not work, you can use a needle to enlarge the area of the tick bite to try removing its head. You can contact your veterinarian if the process seems more difficult.