
12 Common Causes of Leg Pain

Shin Splints

Shin Splints occur when the muscles and tissues around the shinbone get swollen, making the inner edge of the bone painful. Shin Splints are common among those that run long distances often. Rigid arches, wrong shoes, and flat feet can lead to shin splints. However, the most suitable way to treat them is by resting the legs and using cold-water packs on them for twenty minutes or less. The doctor may advise pain relievers to ease the pain.


Stress Fracture

If shin splints don’t feel better, it may be due to a crack in the shinbone. This condition occurs when the muscles around the bone are overused. It also happens when the muscles don’t cushion the impact of movement, as is their responsibility.

When this condition occurs, it’s advisable to take rest seriously. However, stress fracture could take a long time to heal. In some cases, it extends for approximately six to eight weeks. Please note that it’s crucial to ensure that the stress fracture is completely healed before starting exercises.