
6 Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin D

Gastrointestinal Problems

Stomach pain, constipation, or diarrhea [4] may result from large vitamin D doses that lead to elevated calcium levels in the blood. Reports have shown that patients with excess amounts of this nutrient develop one or more of the various gastrointestinal conditions. Gastrointestinal problems can also be a sign of elevated calcium levels caused by vitamin D intoxication.

These symptoms may occur in those receiving high doses of vitamin D to correct the deficiency. As with other symptoms, the response appears to be individualized even when Vitamin D blood levels are elevated.

Bone Loss

When there is too much calcium circulating in the bloodstream, the body may not have enough hormones to bind the mineral to the bones effectively. This nutrient is essential for bone health because it plays a critical role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism. Including Vitamin D in your daily diet can help ward off bone diseases.

Excess amounts of any nutrient can have adverse reactions and such is the case with Vitamin D. It can be detrimental to bone health because one of the common symptoms of excessive intake is high blood calcium levels. Although this nutrient is required for calcium absorption, high levels may cause bone loss by interfering with other nutrients. Excess amounts of Vitamin D can interfere with the normal activities of other nutrients, which puts you at risk of health complications.

To protect against bone loss, avoid taking excessive Vitamin D supplements and take a vitamin K2 supplement. You can also eat foods rich in vitamin K2, such as grass-fed dairy and meat.