
6 Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin D

Elevated Blood Pressure Levels

Vitamin D levels greater than 100 ng/ml are considered potentially harmful. Toxicity symptoms have been reported at extremely high blood pressure levels resulting from mega doses. Although a vitamin D level of 30 ng/ml is typically considered adequate, medical experts recommend maintaining levels of 40 to 80 ng/ml and states that anything over 100 ng/ml may be harmful.

While an increasing number of people are supplementing with vitamin D, it’s rare to find someone with very high blood levels of this nutrient.

Elevated Blood Calcium Levels

Elevated levels of calcium in the blood can harm the body’s hydration system. In some people, high-doses of vitamin D therapy has been found to trigger digestive upset like nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite due to over-the-top calcium levels. Excess amounts of Vitamin D can cause mild or severe symptoms, so it is best to visit your doctor if you start to notice any symptoms. One of the most important functions of Vitamin D is that it helps your body absorb calcium from the food you eat, but if vitamin D intake is excessive, blood calcium may reach levels that can cause unpleasant and potentially dangerous symptoms.

Symptoms of high blood calcium levels include:

  • Digestive distress, such as vomiting, nausea, and
  • stomach pain
  • Fatigue, dizziness, and confusion
  • Excessive thirst
  • Frequent urination

The normal range of blood calcium is 8.5–10.2 mg/dl.

It is important to know that these symptoms don’t occur in everyone with elevated calcium levels.