
Axillary Web Syndrome – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


There is no specific cause of this health condition. However research has shown that the trauma to the skin from a breast cancer surgery may lead to axillary web syndrome. Cording may occur due to several other reasons involved in the process of breast cancer surgery, such as:

  • A sentinel node biopsy, in which there is a removal of a few lymph nodes under the arm.
  • The removal of one or both of the breasts, the process is called mastectomy [2].
  • The removal of a lump from one or both breasts is called lumpectomy [3].
  • The dissection of axillary lymph nodes, in which several lymph nodes are removed under the arm.
  • Breast construction may also serve as a cause of cording.

There are some factors that also increases the risk of developing axillary web syndrome, these factors are:

  • The length of follow up treatment after surgical procedure.
  • The type of surgery
  • Postoperative checkups for signs and symptoms of cording.